Make sure you have your data tables ready.
Print THIS page.
Open Excel and save the workbook in your own documents file, with the name:
Last, First, Period-Chemistry
Part 1
Double-click on the first worksheet name tab, and re-name it "transmittance."
In the first row, label consecutive columns: the first one should be wavelength (nm), then label a column for each range of wavelengths on your lab sheet ("UV," "violet," etc). Don't worry that there seems to be too many y-axis columns.
Select the numbers in each column, and "hit" Control-1 (format cells).
Choose number, fixed, and format them as you want.
Select the whole first row, hit Ctrl-1 again, and format the headings
as you would like them to appear.
Select the whole "enchilada" (that's a computer term for "spreadsheet range from top left occupied cell to lowest left cell that covers all data") and click the graph icon. Select out an area for your graph, then choose "next."
Choose x-y-scatter, then pick the option wih smooth lines and no points.
Your data series is in columns, and the first row is your header row.
You decide about including a legend, and how to name your axes. Make sure they make sense!
After you click finish, double click on the graph to activate. Right click on the background and Format Plot Area as "no background" and "no border."
Right click on each colored line segment, and choose "Format Data Series." Change the line color to "correct" color, and change the weight of the line if you want. Repeat for each line segment (which corresponds to a color range).
Click once to select the graph (not its box) and size it to fill the box. Choose File|Print Preview and check out your graph! You can play with the "setup" settings to get a good header and footer, and anything else you want to change. It probably prints best as landscape.
After you have printed, click twice on the page OUTSIDE your graph. Make sure the whole data table is still selected, and choose File|Print Area|Set Print Area (I'm not sure about this command in different versions of Excel). Print out your data table for your report.
Part 2
Use your newly-aquired graphing skills to make a graph of absorbance
vs. concentration for your compound.
With the graph open, right click on the data points, and choose "Insert Trendline." Choose "linear" for type, and for options choose "Display equation on chart" and "display r-squared value on chart." You can drag it around if Excel puts it in a sloppy place. The closer r-squared is to 1.000, the better your data fits a linear model.
What to Pass In
If you name your Excel Workbook clearly enough (hint: what's
YOUR name?) then you can hand in this lab by saving it in my Student Work
Folder. The worksheets should be in order: First the transmittance
vs. frequency data, then the graph, then the absorbance vs. concentration
data, then that graph. OR you could print these four things out in
order and in color and pass them in with a title page.