A great deal of information can be learned from observing the frequencies a compound absorbs. These frequencies can be observed using a tool called a spectrometer. Depending on the wavelengths observed, a chemist may use a UV Spectrometer, and IR Spectrometer, or a (visible) Spectrophotometer. This last tool is the one most often used in high schools because it easy to operate, and thousands of dollars cheaper than the others. MHS currently owns four of these.
Instructions for using these machines are printed right next to the controls, so they will not be repeated here.
Part 1
The objective for this lab is to measure the % transmission of light through
a dilute solution of one of the compounds listed below. Record a table
of wavelength (every 10 nm from about 360 nm) and % transmission (0-100).
Produce a graph with l on the x axis, and
%T on the y axis. Be sure to indicate which compound you examined.
After your graph your data, use the table to indicate which regions on your graph correspond to each color of the rainbow. You can indicate the boundaries with dotted lines, or shade them with color pencils, or surprise me - keep it readable but have fun.
Part 2
Fill a test tube with the original solution you used. Observe
the absorbance at one or two of the frequency peaks you determined in Part
Make a dilution of 5 mL of your solution + 5 mL of distilled water. Record the new concentration and the absorbance(s) at the same frequency(s) as above.
Now dilute THIS solution in a 5:5 ratio. Repeat the absorbance reading as above. Repeat this step three more times.
Make a data table with the following headings: Concentration, Absorbance. Graph this data (hint: which is the dependent variable?).
Pass In
Each person will pass in two graphs with the information above, two
data tables, and the usual title stuff. We may write this lab up
electronically; in which case you can pass it in as an Excel Workbook as
described here.
Use 0.1 or 0.5 M solutions of any of the following:
Ni(NO3)2 | Cu(NO3)2 | Fe(NO3)3 | CoCl3 |
CoCl2 | CuCl2 | CuSO4 | any ideas? |
[Special Graphing Hints for this lab][General
Graphing Instructions][MHS AP chem page]