The Middletown High School Drama Club

Almost, Maine

by John Cariani
directed by Kevin Zahm
Performed May 13 & 14, 2011
Performed by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service.

Official Home Page
New York Times review from 12/18/2010 that got my attention.

And, best of all, our own review on The Middletown Patch, courtesy of Olga Enger


NOTE:  If your name appears below with just a last initial, it is because I do not yet have permission to use your last name on this web site.  Please see me for one if you need one, and please get them back to me as soon as possible so I can update the site! - KZ
The Cast
Dan Bertel, Maggie Kerins
Her Heart
Andrew Stinson, Shannon Hugard
Sad and Glad
John Cunha, Michelle Fennewald, Jackie Tollefson
This Hurts
Jack Broderick, Julia Chille
Getting It Back
Dan Bertel, Cecelia Costello


Dan Bertel, Maggie Kerins

They Fell

Jack Broderick, John Cunha

Where It Went

Andrew Stinson, Lydia

Story of Hope

Jack Broderick, Rebecca C, Shannon Hugard

Seeing The Thing

John Cunha, Justice Miller


Dan Bertel, Maggie Kerins
The Crew
Stage Manager
Deejay Connerton

Sage S

Lydia Burns
Stage Crew
Tyler M, Gunnar R, Isaiah Robinson
Snack & Ticket Wranglers
Izzy M, Molly H (Friday)
Jess G, Andie C, Katrina F, Chris Vaillancourt

The following pictures are courtesy of the Middletown Patch, (c) 2011 by Olga Enger and The Patch.
original link

Most importantly, THANK YOU to Olga and The Patch for helping us share our work!

Standing: Dan, Michelle, Isaiah, Deejay, Gunnar, Lydia
Sitting: Jack, Becky, John, Jackie (in red)
On the floor: Andrew, Shannon, Justice, Cecilia, Maggie, Sage
Pete & Ginette
East and Glory
Sandrine and Jimmy
Jimmy, alone (with root beer!)
Steve, and Marvalyn
The cast listening to their director. They're not actually listening, they're just acting like they are. Clever, aren't they?
Yes, we're clever.
Isaiah and Gunnar prepare the snow, if you get my drift
The Pictures we took...
Sitting: Andrew, Maggie, Justice, Cecilia, Jackie, John, Michelle
Standing: Becky, Shannon, Dan... ... ... ... ... and Jack
The Waitress
Phil & Marcie
Pete & Ginette
Lendall, Gayle, and lots of Love
Villian, Jimmy, and Sandrine
Marvalyn and Steve
The Cast - with everyonepresent, finally.

The Web Guy
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