The Middletown High School Drama Club
A Thurber Carnival
by James Thurber
performed October 20 & 21, 1972
Dotty Hitt, Tom Erb, Elizabeth Westneat, Susan Thompson, Neil McNulty, Pam Graham, Mark Caverly, Ken Parks, Sue Brown, Steven Trickey, Michael Day, Damon Bell, Paula Rosput, Bernie Hightower, Sue Trainor, Susan Baumgartner, Debbie Trainor, Yvonne Mayo, Mary Mahaney
Stage Managers 
David Gray, with Bea Grimmitt
Claire Chamberlain, Reginald Mare, Andrea Trust, Shawna McGeown, Grace Beattie, Debi Hart, Mary Jo Leach
Bill Dunlap, Jun Arnold, Jon Craig
Steven Trickey
Kathy Smith
Elizabeth Weastnut, Sally Uhrig, Susie Kerins
Cheryl Taylor
"October 20 and 21 were the dates for the second anually totally student produced and run production at MHS. Sponsored by International Thespian Troupe 2220 "A Thurber Carnival," by James Thurber, was the name of this delightful comedy directed by senior Tory Tolley."


T. Tolley
Steve Trickey
Sue Trainor, Elizabeth Westneat, Bill Dunlap
Ken Parks (as a dog)
Y. Mayo
M. Caverly
T. Erb
Neil McNulty, Susan Thompson, Paula Rosput
Ken Parks
Pam Graham
Dorothy Hitt
Mike Day