MHS Chemistry
Melting Point of an Unknown Solid Score Sheet

    [each section is worth 4 points]
1st time

2nd time




Title Stuff - title section, title, names, date, class/period, first thing on page


Purpose - complete sentences, clearly stated.


Data Table (3 Temp. vs. Time) - Keep it in your notebook - it's not required for this lab.
_________ _________

Analysis #1 - Graph fills available space, time on x axis, temperature on y axis, axes named and labeled, only necessary range, consistent scales, on graph paper

_________ _________ Analysis #2 - Graph (continued) - all temperature data on one graph, key
_________ _________ Analysis #3 - Melting Point of Unknown - Full sentence, reasonable explanation, correct
_________ _________

Analysis #4 - Identification of Unknown - Reasonable identification, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar

_________ _________ Analysis #5 - Ice as Unknown? - Reasonable conjecture, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar
_________ _________

Analysis #6 - Twice as Much Unknown? - Reasonable conjecture, full sentences, clear explanation, good grammar

_________ _________ Analysis #7 - Explanation of Level Spot - Reasonable explantion involving kinetic and potential energy, proper grammar and spelling, use of observations where they are relevent
_________ _________ Analysis #8 - Structure or Formula of Unknown - Clearly drawn and correct. Includes source if not from Merck index.
_________ _________ Neatness - Typed or neatly written in dark pen, sections in correct order, few or no cross outs, no notebook “snow,” one sheet OR one side of each stapled sheet, analysis answers numbered
_________ _________

Lab Safety [ -1     for each violation]

_________ _________

Promptness [ -1     for each day late]

_________ _________ Total Points [out of 44 possible]
_________ _________ %

[Melting Point lab][MHS Chem page]