MHS Chemistry
Crush the Can Score Sheet
Title Section (the usual) _______  / 4
Handout clean, neat, present _______  / 2
2.  D & H, with labels _______  / 4
surface area, w/ work, correct _______  / 3  
volume of can, w/ work, correct _______  / 3 _______  / 10
3. Pressures mmHg, correct, proper decimals _______  / 2
lb/in2, correct, conversion shown _______  / 2 _______  / 4
4. masses empty can, correct, proper decimals _______  / 2
can full of water, correct, proper decimals _______  / 2 _______  / 4
Questions a. total force, correct, work shown _______  / 2  
  b. correct, full sentence _______  / 2
c. correct, full sentence _______  / 2  
d. mass of water in can, correct, work shown _______  / 2
e. V of water in can, from "d", correct, work shown _______  / 2
f. V of can from D & H, correct, work shown _______  / 2
g. percent error, correct, work shown _______  / 2 _______  / 14
Neatness complete, stapled, neat, etc _______  / 4
Promptness -1 for each day late _______  / ?
Total _______  / 42

[Crush the Can lab]